Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cartoons You Might Have Never Heard Of That Are Hilarious

    Foamy The Squirrel is one of my favorite youtube shows. This verbally abusive little character, while adorable is a bit mature for a younger audience so be aware.

 The Adventures Of Kim Jong Un is hilarious. It is so politically reckless but for those who like comedies that play on world events it is perfect. I feel like they actually get the just of his character quite well, and it shows the true horror of propaganda.

  For all my Brony's there is Friendship is Witchcraft. It is absurd but hilarious. Its worth watching its a dubbed over version of Friendship is magic but its for a mature audience in comparison to the kid friendly version.

1 comment:

  1. Come see some of these funny cartoons. Youtube is a dark and funny pace
